SAR Submission Training

SAR Submission Training

SAR Submission Training

AML Consultants UK provides training for SAR submission. The relevant person in the UK is required to submit Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) to the UK Financial Intelligence Unit (UKFIU), which is positioned within the UK National Crime Agency (NCA). The SAR portal helps relevant persons submit suspicions of Money Laundering (ML) and Terrorist Financing (TF).

Submit Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) on Time

Get Adequate Training from our AML Experts

What is a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)?

A Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) is a submission about suspected money laundering under part 7 of the Proceeds of Crime Act (2002) (POCA) or terrorist financing under part 3 of the Terrorism Act 2000 (TACT). SAR disclosure is made with the UKFIU (part of the NCA).

Our SAR Submission Process :
Step-by-Step Details


SAR Submission Process :
Step-by-Step Details



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Background: SAR Index

Background: Information

Suspicion: Glossary Codes + Alert

Suspicion: Reasons

Suspicion: Threshold Variation

Suspicion: Transactions

Defences: DAML or DATF

Summary: Overview


Suspects: Main Parties & Associated Parties

About our SAR Submission Training Services

We help relevant businesses with SAR submission training. It is primarily the duty of the Nominated Officer to submit SAR with the NCA. It has to be reported as soon as it is reasonably practicable. AML Consultants UK guides Nominated Officer in the submission of the report, details to be included, and circumstances under which it must be filed. We help businesses identify and maintain red flags triggering SAR disclosures.

We provide extensive training to Nominated Officers so that they provide the right information in the SAR, including subject type, subject details, financial transactions, services provided, the reason for suspicion, glossary code, when a defense should be covered in SAR and other reporting requirements, such as report submission to Action Fraud.

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Never miss SAR disclosures.

Get trained on SAR essentials and ensure water-tight compliance.