UK MLTPF Regulatory Support Services

UK MLTPF Regulatory Support Services

AML Regulatory Reporting

AML Consultants provides you with the necessary support to meet AML Regulatory Reporting requirements in relation to suspicious activity with the National Crime Agency (NCA) in accordance with the directives of the UK Financial Intelligence Unit (UK FIU).

Whether you have to respond to ad-hoc requests by AML regulatory authorities, specific information requests, or meet a tight deadline, our UK MLTPF regulatory support services ​is the best option.

We help you file a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) with NCA according to the relevant and applicable SAR Glossary Codes to ensure compliance with your reporting requirements. We also help you ensure that the SAR is filed within the prescribed timeline and constitutes essential elements that make it complete.

Further, if you want to continue with a business relationship or transaction despite the suspicious nature of the customer or transaction, we help you file a Defence Against Money Laundering (DAML) or DATF (previously known as Consent SAR) with the NCA, whose permission will enable you to proceed with the transaction/business.

We help you with HMRC Approval Checks and the fit and proper test, with the relevant supervisory authority which is required as a part of the anti-money laundering supervision registration process.

We also facilitate reporting of various types of material discrepancies with the Companies House arising during the customer due diligence (CDD) process.

UK MLTPF regulatory support services ​also help you file reports with the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI), about fund freezing measures taken when you come across any transaction or activity carried out by a customer or business partner/supplier when their names appear in any of the financial sanctions lists to fulfil applicable Designated Persons Reporting obligations.


Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) according to SAR Glossary Codes 2024 (NCA)

Defence Against Money Laundering (DAML) or Terrorist Financing (DATF) Consent (NCA)

Material Discrepancy Reporting (Companies House)

Designated Persons Reporting (OFSI)

HMRC Approval Checks

Fit and Proper Test (Supervisory Authority)

Fund Freezing Measures (OFSI)

Knowledge. Expertise. Teamwork Ready to transform your compliance, client onboarding & monitoring processes?

How can AML Consultants UK help you with Regulatory Reporting?

AML Consultants UK consists of a team of seasoned AML consultants who can assist you and your business with any specific requirement from various regulators and authorities, such as the NCA, OFSI, HMRC and Companies House, concerning your ML/FT and PF compliance. Under our UK MLTPF regulatory support services,​ help you draft technical replies concerning matters related to AML/CTF and CPF compliance, which are required during correspondence with these agencies.

Seasoned Professionals

Proven Experience 

Best Practices

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Money Laundering Registration

AML Consultants help regulated entities register with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) using the FCA Connect system.


Money Laundering Registration

Our UK MLTPF regulatory support services take care of the entire registration procedure for money laundering registration with the HMRC.

Other Supervisory Authorities:

Money Laundering Registration

We take care of the entire registration procedure for money laundering registration with the other supervisory authorities.

Businesses and Professions We Serve