KYC Remediation Service


KYC Remediation Service

AML Consultants UK understands the importance of ongoing monitoring and keeping the customer data relevant and up-to-date. We help businesses in several ways by providing exceptional service around KYC remediation:

Compliance, Not a Challenge!
It’s an Opportunity to Eradicate Financial Crime

AML Consultants UK:
The Best KYC Remediation Service Partners

The KYC remediation process is critical for all regulated businesses as it not only helps you mitigate risk but is also a regulatory requirement you can’t afford to miss. Therefore, you must have KYC remediation service partners with a dedicated process, proven experience, and adopt a proactive approach to keep you on top of your customers’ profiles.

We address your
KYC Remediations Challenges

Easing out the cumbersome task of tracking the validity of numerous customer documents and information

Overcoming the complexities arising because of customer data coming from a variety of sources

Performing KYC remediation accurately, rafting through the ever-evolving regulatory requirements, leaving no space for criminals to slip in

Ensuring never to go short on skilled resources who can perform KYC remediation with precision

Taking away all your worries about data security with our fort-like data policies and infrastructure

On-Going Support Assured
Let us have your back with our Unceasing Efforts!

KYC Remediation Made
Simple, Smooth, and Secure

AML Consultants UK has designed a dedicated process to ensure KYC remediation is done accurately and quickly. The dedicated process is further customised to your business’s risk profile and existing AML policies, procedures, and controls.







Reviewing the Existing Information

Obtaining and Validating the Additional/Revised Information

Additional Risk Mitigation

Updating the Customer’s Risk Profile

Record Keeping